The health and safety of our campers remains our number one priority!
The following protocols have been put in place to inform families of how our camp plans to protect our campers and staff from COVID-19. We have adapted and modified our program and will continue to do so in order to welcome our campers back to camp this summer in the safest way possible!
We have developed these protocols based on guidelines and best practices from the American Camp Association and the health and safety guidelines from the government of Chile.
While we strive to communicate the most accurate information please note that some protocols and policies may change over the summer as new government guidelines and information emerge.
We ask for your understanding and patience as we do our best to make this summer a happy and healthy one at Camp Makemake.
If you have any suggestions or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.
SUMMER 2022 & 2023
Pase de Movilidad
Campers will need to bring a printed copy of their pase de movilidad to camp.
Pre-camp Behaviour
Campers and staff members will be expected to follow common sense health protocols to avoid COVID exposure while traveling to camp and in the days leading up to camp.
Health History screening
Campers and staff members will be required to fill in a health screening form before participating in the camp. This will include information about their COVID history, vaccinations and pre-camp activities.
Will not be required prior to camp
Transport (UPDATED: August 30,2022)
Masks must be worn on the bus journey to camp.
No eating will take place on the bus, so please ensure that your camper has eaten prior to leaving.
All staff members will be vaccinated.
All staff will be trained in how to recognise COVID symptoms and how to follow our COVID protocols.
Daily Health Screening
A visual and verbal health screening will be given to all campers and staff members each morning. This will include a temperature check.
Outdoor Activities
All group activities will take place outside.
Hand washing
Extra hand washing stations and alcohol gel stations have been put into place across the camp.
Campers and staff will wash their hands at regular intervals throughout the day.
Hand-washing will be overseen by staff.
Cleaning, disinfecting and ventilation
All indoor facilities (the clubhouse, washrooms and kitchen) and materials that the campers use will be cleaned and disinfected by our cleaning staff regularly.
All indoor spaces will be constantly ventilated.
Modification to activities​
Limited sharing of materials.
Masks and social distancing.
We hope that campers and staff (with the exception of the kitchen staff) will not have to wear masks and to social distance while at camp. Camp is all about communication, relationships and interactions. So much of what we do requires closeness. However, we will follow government guidelines and if they dictate masks and social distancing we will follow suit.
Food Service
All meals and snacks will be eaten outside.
As always, strict hygiene protocols will be followed in the kitchens.
Cutlery and crockery will be rinsed by campers and then washed by the kitchen staff.
In the unlikely, but possible, event that a camper or staff member should present with COVID symptoms and test positive while at camp the following will happen:
The camper or staff member with symptoms will be isolated and tested.
All parents will be immediately notified.
The campers and staff will wear masks and socially distance from each other.
Extra hygiene measures will be put in place.
Parents will be requested to collect their campers if they are unwell.
No refund will be given as at this point staff salaries will still have to be paid and the food and materials will have already been purchased.